Monday, February 15, 2010

Have I gone too far?

Ever since I found out that Jenny is pregnant, I have been accumulating diapers. Every week there are deals at Walgreen's, Rite Aid, Kmart, Target and others on Huggies, Pampers & Luvs. When I come home sometimes I am too tired to bring them in. Sometimes I don't bring them in because Gary is in the living room. I don't think he has any idea how many packages of diapers I have, and to be honest I don't think I did either.

So last night after I purchased 4 more containers of Pampers wipes, I decided to make a big pile of them and take a picture.

Most of them are size Newborn, 1 & 2. Surprisingly I only have 3 packages of size 3! I also have lots of size 4 & 5. OK, some of them I purchased for Dayton & Daphne when they came to visit. But then Michelle had to go and potty train Dayton so she didn't need as many diapers as I thought. But I threw them in just to add to the experience.

There are 65 packages of diapers totaling 2667 diapers. There are 17 containers of wipes totaling 1192 wipes. I think I have most of the first year covered, but after that they are on their own... No, I will still buy diapers, as long as I can get a good deal on them.

A couple of these I had free coupons for the package, the Luvs were a fantastic deal at Kmart. The best so far are the ones I purchased at Walgreens last Friday (other than my coupon for a free package). Huggies were on sale for $8.99 and on Friday I had a coupon for 15% off. ($7.64) After $2.85 in coupons and $3 in register Rewards I only paid $1.79 a package. (plus sales tax) I would have purchased more but one of my coupons beeped and the manager wouldn't accept them. So I only had the coupons to buy 2 packages.

I am running out of room to store them!!!


Laurel said...

Holy smokes! Slow your roll.

Cora said...

Good job! Here's my thought: At first you use about 8 diapers a day (should change the baby every 3 hours or so). With 2667 diapers, this is about a year worth, assuming you have all the correct sizes. For the wipes, however, assuming one wipe per diaper change, that's only a half year (and goodness knows I use more than one wipe on occasion). I don't think you've gone overboard unless it's in the size newborn, 1 and 2 sizes.

A pleasant thought, though, is any extras are always desperately needed at women's shelters or food banks. I'm sure they won't go to waste.

The Rinkels said...

They are lucky to have you. Diapers are expensive if you're not into doing deals. They'll be thankful!

Michelle M said...

SO SORRY that I potty-trained Dayton. I didn't realized what a major kink that put into your diapering system. I'll be more sensitive to your needs when it's time to potty-train Daphne, okay?

65 packs of diapers (if they're all Jumbo packs) is $650 worth of diapers! I'm guessing you paid about a quarter of that. Yes, they are lucky to have your help!

Michelle M said...

One wipes tub lasts me 2 weeks (we timed it), so 17 tubs times 2 weeks would be 34 weeks worth of wipes for Jenny. That free deal a few weeks ago was AMAZING! I'm still thinking I should have gotten more.