Nearly everyday I go into my Quicken and I download the transactions on my bank accounts and credit cards. This helps me to keep up to date on them. This morning as I was downloading I noticed it was going very slow. The reason is that it was downloading 16,000 transactions on my Discover Card totaling $6,125,131,801.12. Did Gary buy me an early Mothers Day present? Did one of my daughters use the card a little too much?
I decided the quickest way would be to accept all the transactions and delete them all at once. I have tried this 3 times already and they keep coming back. I did go online to my Discover Card and I do have a balance of $16.98. Much better!
I will be on the phone for a while, so if you get a busy signal try again later!
Update Saturday night: I contacted Quicken and they are not open on the weekend. So against my better judgement I tried the online chat. After waiting twice for over 30 minutes I was finally connected... to someone in India. i think he was handling at least 10 other clients because he kept asking me the same questions and he really wasn't listening to my problem. He concluded that I have some bad data. I deleted the account and the huge balance due and I will try Customer Service on Monday.