Saturday, January 30, 2010

Coupons & Rebates & Checks, OH MY!!

While Michelle was here she was great and took over sending in my rebates. While she was here we sent in over $300 worth of rebates. The checks are now starting to come in. This week I cashed $100 worth of checks.

I started couponing in September and since then I am addicted. Gary describes it as a "game", I think he is correct. I check websites & blogs daily to see where the best deals are. I am to the point where nearly everything I get (not including food) is nearly free after coupons/rebates.

The exception to this is the recent diaper deals I have been doing. It is almost impossible to get diapers free, so we get them as cheap as we can. I got Pampers diapers at Target for $3.33! I also got 10 containers of wipes at Walgreen's for free, I just had to pay the sales tax! I am buying them in Newborn and size 1 and saving them up for Jenny. She will be well stocked when the baby is born.

I have been lucky to have some fabulous cashiers at the Walgreen's in Chehalis: Becki, Robyn, Bobbi & Jonathan. I am there at least 3-4 times a week! The only place I have had a problem is at Wal-Mart, which doesn't surprise me! I was buying chocolate chips the other night for my cookie project for Laura and I went to the Nestle's website and printed 2 50 cent coupons. It wasn't a great deal but I was in a bind. the cashier at Wal-Mart said very loud " I can't take this coupon, it's illegal!" I was shocked and even after I explained to her that i printed off a legal website she said it out loud again. It was humiliating in front of everyone.

So I will stick to Walgreen's, Target and Rite Aid from now on for my purchases. I should keep track of how much I spend and how much I redeem in coupons. The hard part is spending $2.50 a paper on Sundays.

1 comment:

Michelle M said...

I consider it a hobby. I enjoy doing it, and it's a bonus that we save money and get blood-glucose meters, too!

Walmart is not coupon-friendly, but I agree that the Chehalis Walgreens has FANTASTIC cashiers. I can't wait to come home again!

Anything under $5 is a good deal on diapers since a jumbo pack is priced at $9.99. And free wipes- that was a steal! Yippee!