Thursday, September 10, 2009

Laura at Culinary School

Wednesday night Gary, Trevor, Jenny, Ava & I ate at Portfolio Restaurant in Seattle. This restaurant serves as an educational dining lab for culinary arts students at the Art Institute of Seattle. Upper-level students create, prepare and serve the menus guided by a Chef Instructor.

Last month Gary and I went there while Laura was cooking. The students rotate during the quarter so each gets an opportunity to work in the back preparing the food, or working in the front as a waiter/waitress. (Are they still called that?). We had an excellent meal for a reasonable price. Laura made the desserts since she is the only student in her group that is focusing on pastries.

This time Laura was our waitress/server and she did a fabulous job. I was going to bring some fake dog poop and put it on the floor, and a fake fly in an ice cube. But we decided to be nice, although we still did give her a hard time at the restaurant. Everyone knew we were her parents so we were treated well.

The chef instructor came by and told us how happy he was to have a student that was so enthusiastic about pastries. Now Gary and I are very enthusiastic about pastries as well, but I don't think that is what he meant. He said Laura was doing a wonderful job and he was very happy to have her as a student.

We are both very proud of the hard work she is doing to graduate from the Art Institute. She puts in some long days and late hours but it will pay off.

So I will give a thumbs up to Portfolio restaurant. All the students did a fabulous job and the food was delicious.


Michelle M said...

I meant to call you today and see how dinner went last night. Laura looks so cute in this picture! Any chance they'll still be doing this restaurant when we come home for the holidays? How do you think the serving crew would handle my obnoxious toddlers as guests?!

G & G Laseke said...

Next time you go up call and we can experience the culinary delights!