Friday, June 11, 2010

Kohl Children's Museum

While I was in Chicago Michelle had a list of things to do for me. Having the list actually helps us decide what to do and it kept us from sitting around.

One of the places to go was the Kohl Children's Museum. I had never been there before and suggested I could just take the two by myself. Michelle had been there before and said Dayton & Daphne go in two different directions, and she was right.

As soon as we walked in they both went their different ways and we didn't see each other for quite a while. Every now and then they would be in the same exhibit, but only for about 3 minutes.

Dayton's first stop was the room with all the water toys. I think this was by far his favorite. I tried to put an apron on him to keep him dry but he didn't like it. He didn't seem to mind getting wet.

A bucket over Dayton has just filled with water and is dumping the water near him.

Dayton cranks the elevator to carry the balls to the top. There they dump into water and when the water level rises they go over the falls.

Then Dayton fishes them out and puts them back in the shoot. He spent a lot of time here.

Dayton working on the engine of a car.

When he pedalled air would fill up a big balloon overhead.

Painting a house.

In the music room. You put the puzzle together and when you get it in the right order it plays a song.

Dayton playing with the drums and cymbal.

Shopping. Look at all those cookies!

Dayton getting Nana lots of treats at the bakery.

Dayton ran out of money at the grocery store and had to stop at the ATM.

Just like a married couple. Mommy with the baby and daddy reading.

Heavy Equipment Operator

Sitting down for a spot of tea.

Dayton is starting to read.

I was exhausted by the end of our visit, and we had only been there a couple of hours. I will definitely go back there again. It was awesome. The exhibits change every few months so it keeps the adventure going. Dayton and I didn't make it through the entire place. We will have to bring grandpa through with us next time so he can explain how it all works.

I know Michelle has the same post, I just wanted to beat her! She had Daphne and I had Dayton which is why most of my pictures were of Dayton. So keep an eye on Michelle's blog for part 2 of this incredible museum trip.

1 comment:

Michelle M said...

I loved your reference to Dayton and Daphne looking like a married couple with the baby and book- very cute. Thanks for beating me Mom!