Friday, April 30, 2010

Which Puzzle?

I came across this piece to a puzzle yesterday while I was cleaning out some old stuff. I frequently find pieces of old games, puzzles etc. I have a drawer that I put them in and occasionally the lost part finds its master.

The funny part about this is that I know which puzzle this goes to. And, I am sure each of my three daughters will look at it and know where it belongs. In fact they can probably tell you where it goes in the puzzle.

I constantly find odd parts around the house. All I have to do is show it to Gary and he will look at it for several seconds and tell me what it is for.


Michelle M said...

I have no idea!!!

Gary and Kirsten said...

It was the Rainbow Bright Puzzle! You just finished it with Laura while you were here. i found a piece of the puzzle in the couch in the tv room.